Financial Institution

Innovating Financial Products In The Metaverse

A renowned American financial institution recently joined forces with Foundry to delve into the intricate world of the metaverse. Their goal? To design a cutting-edge financial product that would cater to their current customer needs while paving the way for an even brighter future.

Code snippet and Gem Sleep UI. Check out or work on the official GEM Health site https://www.mygemsleep.com

Code snippet and Gem Sleep UI. Check out or work on the official GEM Health site https://www.mygemsleep.com

Financial meets Futuristic

As strategic partners, we didn't just stumble upon progress with our eyes closed (although that would have been impressive). Instead, we built upon past successes, rapidly sprinting towards our goal, armed with clear goals and learnings. Knowing what is working quickly without over-investing in innovation is a critical way to move forward.

We learned from direct customer feedback and user testing. Using our sprint structure, we could confidently assess the impact of our ideas and direction, all without breaking the bank.

Rapid iteration

and customer feedback led to the development of a cutting-edge financial product

Move quickly

without sacrificing quality